Linggo, Hulyo 3, 2011


Hi everyone..By the way I am Reyme Joy Depol,18 years of age and I am the fifth child of Mr & Mrs: Julia Besana Depol.Came from Tabuc Sur, Panitan, Capiz...

My life in college was very Dramatic!!...I am proud being a  Egelloc stneduts of HERCOR COLLEGE.....Since I was in First Year College until now that I am in Second Year College.Being a very talkative girl I have a Lot of Friends.And I am happy that most of my friends accepted what I am and Who am I.

They make me laugh.They always comfort us.They are always their for me when ever I need them.And they thought me how to be good and a strong person.
Now,that I am in second year. I encountered a little problem.I make my own fault,cause of my concern I get regrets.

After that situation,there is someone got my Attention.
Then I remember my first love.I am very sure that His Love for me and even for you could never last;Even sometimes I have no time for Him but he is still patient to me.I feel that if I am with Him,I am complete and feel secure.

Even I can't almost see Him, I just imagine that he is on my side,protecting me from all evil,guiding my daily life...I believe that he will never leave me nor forsake me.That is how He loves me and also to you.
There is a time that I am tired being a student,but as a Egelloc stneduts,I  encouraged my self to focus my study at all times.
Even though more trials that I encountered every time I enter in my school..and of course I face it.

As a Egelloc stneduts I have Lot of  lessons to know....I always bear in my mind that no one can reach or riches my goals in life except ME.
That's why our Instructors/Instructress always there to deliver his/her thoughts....
Teachers have an influencing role in my life and also to the other student.They are like beacons of light guiding us in the formative years of our life.

My Teachers have the power to inspire through their attitudes,actions and even through their potential.

Miyerkules, Marso 2, 2011

About My Self

Hi, I am Reyme Joy Depol 18 yrs of age,I live in Tabuc Sur, Panit-an Capiz.I am female & single...I believe in saying"What is the use of your Beauty if your brain is Empty"....When I am in Elementary,I studied at Panit-an Elementary School.Then My secondary Im also studied at Panitan National High School.For now,I am studying at Hercor College,Roxas City. My Father's Name:Reynald Diaz Depol,while My Mother's Name:Julia Besana Depol...They have a seventh children and I am the fifth child,My eldest sister's was already married at the age of  20 y\o.Second named Junrey,he has a work already,third named Reynelyn have a work also,and she's working at Kalibo Aklan.Fourth named Jeffrey,he still studying in college.Sixth and seventh was still studying in High school.
I have a lot of Friends & I have a One and only bestfriend named Angie Borres, I meet her in their House.She's my Bestfriend Sister Forever...I call her b's'f....